Hammar News

Update: Release Switch and IRPB in New Design

Release Switch and IRPB in New Design The ERRS Control Unit; Release Switch and Input Sensor; IRPB (Intelligent Remote Push Button) are redesigned. The main benefits are: Smaller footprint, easier…
May 22nd, 2023

Update: MA1, Manual Pull Cord change to black cord

Manual Pull Tab Cord Changes Colour Traditionally the Manual Pull Cord of the MA1 has been white, gradually with new lengths and upon request, the cord has been supplied in…
March 29th, 2023

Update: Temporary Change in Visual Appearence of Battery HM-0495

Due to a shortage in supply of the rapping for the HM-0495 battery pack the product will, under a period, be supplied with a black rapping. The rapping is of…
March 28th, 2023

Update: MA1, Removal of Absorber

Removal of Absorber on MA1 Lifejacket Inflator Cap The so-called, Absorber has been deemed an unnecessary component and will be removed from models IA-0609 and IA-0612. As of the last…
March 6th, 2023

Update: H20 Standard SOLAS model now UKCA approved

Hammar is ready to support UK-flagged vessels with Hydrostatic Release Units for Free-floating Arrangements of life rafts also in 2023 and in the future. Under the regulations of UKCA equipment…
December 22nd, 2022

Update: New Casing on Battery HM-0725 in Control Panel 2

We use two different batteries to reduce lead time and meet our customers’ requirements on Control Panel 2. The performances and capacity is the same and the replacement can be…
October 21st, 2022

Update: Battery HM-0495

The battery to Control Units; LAD and BO, has received an upgrade to better handle the risk discharge.
April 27th, 2022

Discontinued: Control Panel Mk I

The Control Panel Mk1 (HM-0410) is now superseded by Control Panel 2 (HM-0710) and will no longer be produced. The production and supply of these units ceased July 2019
April 27th, 2022

Update: H20 Date Label

Since August 2020 the date label on H20 contains 5 years. This change in date label does not affect the service life nor the shelf life of 5years but is…
April 27th, 2022