Hammar News
Update: H20 E Removal of Label
To continue our path on the climate road map Hammar now removes the label situated on the underside of the H20 E for EPIRB. The information on the label is…
April 27th, 2022
Discontinued: HM-0341 / HM-0342 / HM-0343 / HM-0344 / HM-0345 / HM-0347
All stainless steel tube for MRRS is now ordered under HM-0311 and sold in fixed length. Supplied in fixed lengths: HM-0311-10 (10m) HM-0311-25 (25m) HM-0311-50 (50m) HM-0311-100 (100m) HM-0311-200 (200m)…
April 27th, 2022
New Marketing Material: Animated Videos on MA1
Hammar has produced animated videos presenting the working principles of the MA1 inflation system. The videos will you How it works and Unique Selling Points. The videos will also explain…
April 27th, 2022
New Marketing Material: Animated Videos on H20
Hammar has updated the videos demonstrating the principles of an H20 Hydrostatic Release Unit. The video material is available on the homepage and on our YouTube Channel, www.youtube.com/c/cmhammar
April 27th, 2022
New Product: Split Plate for Dual Assembly
As per the installation guidelines; a Dual Assembly with two connection points to the deck, such as the HC-0214, shall be installed with a separation of 6-12cm. In cases where…
April 27th, 2022
New Product: Pipe Clamp for MRRS
Introducing a clamp for smooth fixation of stainless steel tubing from Pump to U-console in a Manual Remote Release System. Available as part TR-0040
April 27th, 2022